So if you want to know how to take professional-looking headshots, this book by professional portraitist Peter Hurley is just what you need. In the modern social media age, having a decent-looking head-and-shoulders portrait is something that concerns everyone, not just actors and models. Kelby really does write like you're standing next to you, and while that might sometimes be off-putting (depending on whether you 'get' his sense of humor), there's no denying that these tricks really work, whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer. So you learn how using a different setting, tool or trick in a particular situation can truly transform the quality of your work, and make it look more like the work of a pro than an amateur. In exactly that spirit, this book offers more than 200 photographic tricks of the trade, to help you get looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos, explained in the same way you would in a normal conversation. "In real life, I’d just say, 'Put on your zoom lens, set your f-stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.'" “If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, with the background out of focus?,' I wouldn't stand there and give you a photography lecture," he says. Here's how author Scott Kelby, co-host of Photoshop User TV, explains it. But it would be helpful for Affinity to have a resource that tells you why you might want to use some feature.This book takes an approach to improve your photography that makes perfect sense to us. The online help is great for telling you what Affinity Photo does. Even just a supplement just demonstrating the new features of Photo would be great. I am using Affinity Photo 2 and have found the Book and examples very helpful (even though the book is for the original version of Affinity Photo.) It would be great if Affinity were to publish a revised version of the Workbook - perhaps in an online-only format. zip file is is referenced in the "Before You Get Started" section. In the other Chapters, the relevant example image. In Chapter 2, Core Skills, the example image file folder is referenced in the first step of the walkthrough instructions. Workbook locations for the references to the online.Expand the downloaded zip file to create a folder containing the.The link downloads a zip file to your Downloads folder. When you click a link a web page does not open.In many (all?) other chapters the link is in the "Before You Get Started" section. In Chapter 2 the resource link is just above the table of contents on the chapter title page.

For what it is worth, here is what I wish had been explained more clearly. I just puzzled through finding the online files for Affinity Photo Wookbook.